How To Share System Audio In Teams Screen Share Meeting

Microsoft Teams might not be most of our go-to applications for screen sharing or online training. Especially in an organization that uses Microsoft Office 365, with the retirement of Skype for business, it can be quite challenging to use Microsoft Teams to do everything you used to do with skype. This is a guide on how to share system audio in teams screen share session.

For sure, skype did not have every feature that Teams do. But I personally believe if Microsoft really keeps up the constant updates and work on the Teams application, It can be an organization’s go-to place for its meetings, online training, and much more.

But do you think that will happen? Well, time will tell, right now Microsoft has not really delivered when it comes to bringing the features and the capabilities to the Teams application as compared to its competitors. But it is what it is, we can just hope for the best.

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One issue I faced when using teams for the first time was the inability to share the system’s audio during the screen share sessions. If I played a YouTube video on a screen share session, the other user could only be able to see the video and no audio at all.

For sure, I could force my microphone to pick up the audio and the other user could get terrible audio from that microphone, but if there was an in-built feature to share the system’s audio, that would have been so better.

Microsoft Teams finally has an option to share your system’s audio in a Teams screen share session. That means your friends will be able to get good quality audio of the video that you are playing over on a Team’s screens to share sessions.

Unfortunately, this features to share your system audio in Teams is only available for Windows users and will be available to Mac users later this year according to the post on the forum.

How To Share System Audio In Teams Screen Share

You can enable the system audio sharing if you first start a call with someone and then share the screen instead of directly sharing the screen with that user. The process is the same for Windows and Mac OS.

1) When in teams, Call the user that you are trying to screen share and share the system’s audio.

2) Click on the screen share button from the taskbar on the chat window

3) Before you start the screen share, make sure you click on the “Include system audio” option

4) Select the correct screen or the window that you would like to share or the app or the screen with the video

5) Once the other user/users see your screen share, they will also be able to hear the audio from the video that you are playing

READ: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting As Guest Without Account

While you are in a meeting already

It is very simple.

Hover the mouse to the top of the screen, this should bring up a Teams taskbar.

Click on the “Include system audio”

The other users should be able to hear the audio of the video you are sharing in the meeting


That’s how to screen share with audio in teams meetings. If you have any other questions or queries, please let me know in the comments below.

Prajwal is a senior editor @Windowslovers. A Tech enthusiast who loves to read and write articles that aid users in getting the most out of their gadgets and tech it easy.

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