Phonebloks is a concept, an idea of a completely customizable smart phone. Dave hakkens the mind behind this new and an completely legit idea explains this concept with his with quick 3 minutes video including 3D animations and complete explanation on his YouTube channel and this has already caught eyes of millions of users all around the world.
Electronic waste is one of the major problem in today’s growing world. Our phones are the biggest reasons for such waste. When we need to change or get a new phone, usually its because of malfunctioning of any specific part of our phone like the processor or screen or storage etc. But what if we could upgrade or update our phone’s internal parts that currently we are not capable of without any hassle.
Dave Hakkens’s revolutionary idea could be the answer for the thrive to step forward with the current main stream smartphone users and developers and invent something totally new and exciting. Lets get into knowing much more about Phonebloks and this concept of Phonebloks.
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Phonebloks : Explained
Phonebloks simply is a smart phone that is built with different detachable blocks. With blocks it means a storage block, camera block, processing block etc. All the components are attached and brought together with a base. Each block has pins underneath them and signal are transferred from and into with these pins.
This allows you to customize or update your phone according to your needs and requirements, lets say you need much more memory, than you can simply plug out your old storage block and plug in a bigger storage capacity block, isn’t that cool? Yeah but that’s not the best part.
You can choose your blocks from a wide range of manufacturers which will allow you to have and built a smart phone that houses a huge power and performance capacity. Image a phone will all the best parts from different phones combined into one, wouldn’t that be great? The idea of Phonebloks seems to make that dream a closer reality.
Dave Hakkens also states that he wants a huge company or manufacturer to get on with this project and he says he is willing to help them with every tiny detail and also other facts that he have not mentioned on the video or on his website.
What Is Thunderclap?
So, to grab attention or should we say much more attention, Dave Hakkens have started a campaign on and this campaign is to create a massive hype on social media on a certain day that he mentions is to be October 29, 2013. When any one sign’s up on their website and login into their social media account, this will set an automatic share on a fixed time for the date October 29, 2013 with the same message for all the users. Already thousands of people have already signed up and this might be the most trending topic on that day.
The main motto behind this campaign is to draw attention of much more people and also different brands and manufacturers that are happy and busy with their product line. They will feel that people are much interested in this idea or concept and might look into it. That’s all about the thunderclap.
See, Dave Hakkens could also run a campaign on indigogo to raise funds but instead he wants a better manufacturer to do it or wants to grab attention of many manufactures to bring them together and build a revolutionary product. Either way, this is going to be a much more expensive phone most probably.
Each and every day smart phone manufacturers are trying to make a compact and versatile smaprtphone with minimum costs but this phone will not be really that compact and as it will comprise different components from different manufacturers, price margin might be the major issue.
Lets hope we’ll get to see this great idea of phonebloks become a reality in the nearest future. If you want to contribute and want to see such kind of phone, do join the thunderclap and let the world know.